Our travels today took us through the beautiful rolling countryside of Oklahoma between Oklahoma City and the small town of Davis. Josh, my fellow roommate at the Marriot, bemoaned the 5:00 blaring of our new Indiana Jones wake-up music, and all of us riders dreaded to leave the comfort and warmth of our queen-sized, six pillow beds. After foolishly stuffing ourselves at the exquisite buffet breakfast, we took the road, snaking through numerous intersections, junctions, and small town byways in an effort to stay on Route 77. Throughout the miles Josh, Dani, and I managed to escape the canines of five or six drooling canines either by yelling, waving bike pumps, or shooting Gatorade in the eyes of unsuspecting collies. Meanwhile as we warded off dogs, Doug and Ryan got lost for five miles of their ride, and Katherine while driving strayed off course under the guidance of Lady Carmen (our affectionate name for our Garmin GPS) and ended up on the OU campus. Coming into our mile 40 rest stop, Josh and I were doing our usual sprint into the break when we whizzed by a cop standing outside his car. We ignored his confusing hand waving and proceeded to line up for a perfect uphill sprint finish when….Lights flashed and sirens blared effectively making Josh, Dani, and I the first riders to be pulled over. Even though we told Katherine we would be late to the stop because of our running of numerous Purcell red lights, Josh’s incarceration, and our need to be bailed out, the cop was merely inquiring whether or not we needed a police escort. He told us how he was planning to build houses in Mexico this fall with his church and was very interested in our ride, because he is the local bicycle-riding cop in the town. Our final challenge of the day was some inconvenient road construction that left us riding through gravel and fresh tar. Despite all our challenges we can at least say that we have found tranquility, peace and most importantly Joy, in the form of Joy, OK, a small town that we pedaled through.
In celebration of a safe arrival to Davis, we finally cut a four-week old watermelon and celebrated with Pastor Ben, Doc and the other members of the First United Methodist Church who graciously prepared dinner for us. Thanks to all who continue to make our ride a reality through their hospitality and generosity!

"Bad boy, bad boy, what you gonna do when they come for you!"
Hey all! What an interesting and lively day you had! Especially loved the story of the po-po pulling over the three of you! Love how you keep looking, or finding, the "joy" in the little things along the way!
Rock on!
Auntie "M"
Oh, you bad boys! Getting pulled over by the bicycle police!
Oh, how the stories will carry you on! It is weird how I feel as if I am experiencing it all with you.
As it has been said before...
And I thought you guys were pulled over for speeding!
We here at home continue to be amazed by the generosity extended to the team and the interest in the Fuller Center.
You're a special group of people, riding for a special cause. Your families knew that when you left home 1 month ago, others are learning it as you spread your message along the way.
As always. ride on.
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