Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Half Time: We have arrived in Kingston, TN!


We are half way there.

 We have pedaled 683.6 miles. We have biked through four states. We have rolled on all sorts of terrain: flat, inclinations, hilly, mountains & the “I’m-going-to-get-a-hernia”.  We have endured not because we enjoy biking but because we enjoy biking for a cause: to eliminate poverty housing. In two and a half weeks we will be dipping our front tires in to the Gulf Coast in Florida.

 Fog over Norris Lake

There have been days when I just wanted to get off my bike and call it a day but God constantly reminds me that whether I climb what seems like a straight angle hill or descend a terrifying slope He is  a l w a y s  by my side. I might go through ups and downs on and off the road but as long as my actions are rooted in Him, He will push me forward and towards Him. I know Roman Victor (my bike) and I would not have made it this far if it were not for His strength through my weakness. 

I ran in to Nick while taking photos of a beautiful lake

I had been terrified of crossing the Tennessee border because I am riding a fixed gear bike (I cannot switch gears or coast) and several riders have told me Tennessee is extremely hilly. Although my legs have been working a tad bit harder, my eyes have been getting quite the treat. 

The road has weaved through rivers, lakes, waterfalls, mountains, plains, cornfields, and tons of towering trees...all in a day! It was been a great reminder that I need to take better care for our Earth because it houses all of us and my individual actions affect the whole environment. Riding my bike while observing the flora and fauna in Tennessee has been a blessing because it has provided such a sensory experience that riding a car would not impart. 

We made it though the rain :)

Today's scenic route did bring some challenges. The rubble on the ground pierced at least 7 tubes. Kristina even got 3 flats! I became a little too distracted and marked and took the wrong road for a total of 4 miles. I am also convinced I went up the steepest hill in my little adventure. Melissa slashed her tire and used Ryan's business card to hold things in place until we got to the church. You have got to love the "Adventure" part of the Fuller Center Bicycle Adventure. We also rode through the fog, sun and the rain. Despite the little problems we encountered we all made it safely to Morisson Hill Christian Church in Kingston, TN!

Special thanks to:

Helen and the riders

Helen from Powell Valley Resort for making us a amazing breakfast.

Tracey, Adam and their pup Einstein
Morrison Hill Christian Church for showering us with love! Individuals from the church took two riders each to their house and made us a mouth watering meal, allowed us to take extra long PRIVATE showers and turned our dirty clothes squeaky clean. Thank you so much for your hospitality! Christ's love radiates from Morrison Hill Christian Church :)

Yummy Food
Adam & Tracey for making a delicious meal for Melissa and I and welcoming us in to their home. They even cooked a tasty vegetarian option for me! Oh and they also tried to fatten Melissa and I up with unbelievable amounts for ice cream and cookies! Thanks guys!
Rivers Total Car Care for cleaning our van and trailer for free! Chad Rosenberger offered us a free car wash when he saw how muddy our van was. Rob and Joe washed our van and were able to transform it to the shiniest vehicle on on the road. Oh and not only did they clean our van but they also allowed all the riders to use their restroom. If you are ever in Oak Ridge, TN stop be sure to stop by to get a car wash.  Thank you so much for your generosity! 

written and photos by: Esther Hyejin Chung

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