If you haven't seen it yet, check out our website at: www.fullercenterbiketrip.com. It has good information about our trip, and there will be more added in the days to come.
Please also consider donating to support us. Whether you write a check or ride a bike, your help is needed! Help us reach our $100,000 goal and help families in need have a better place to call "home." You may also consider asking a church or corporation to sponsor us.
Bookmark this blog and our trip's website so that you can check back throughout the summer. It will keep you on your toes!
I look forward to staying in touch with you as this journey of faith unfolds in the days ahead.
Hey, I just found out about your program. What an awesome ministry! I prayed for you this morning and hope to continue praying as you travel your route this summer. God Bless!
The Fuller Center and the Bike Adventurers-- You guys rock!!
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