McDonough, GA to Lagrange, GA. Miles Biked, approximately 80.
Today was a very warm Georgia day. To be honest, I was exhausted by the time we took our second break. At that point, we had completed around 40 miles of our 80-mile total for the day. It was mid afternoon, the temperature was n the 90’s n there were abut 10 or so of us milling around a B.P. parking lot. Finally, we pulled ourselves up, filled our water bottles, and decided to continue on down the highway for another 20 or so miles.
Around that time, two things happened nearly simultaneously that delayed our progress. A local firefighter approached us and asked what we were doing, and two of our riders realized they had flat tires. While both of these things delayed our progress for about the same length of time, one was a minor annoyance that could have sucked away any remaining momentum we had stored inside our legs. The other was a wonderful encounter with a local man and his son, and an opportunity to spread the word about the Fuller Center’s mission, as well as explain why there were several 20-somethings laying around a gas station parking lot like wet rags on a deck rail.

We were so happy to have Nathan and Wei join us :)
The firefighter, Captain Thompson as we would later learn, walked up to us and greeted us as so man southern people do. His tone and voice inflection were that of someone speaking to an old friend or at least a close acquaintance. He spoke loudly and began his conversation with us from nearly 20 feet away. Generally, there are any number of question we are asked when approached by strangers. Are you in a race? Are you training for a race? I saw about a dozen of your friends up the highway there, are you lost? Captain Thompson, upon seeing our van and trailer, asked us very directly, “What is the fuller center bicycle adventure?” Emily, one of our riders, promptly engaged him in conversation and answered all of his questions, and provided him with a brochure. Nearly concurrently, Lisa noticed a flat tire on her bike and began changing it. Captain Thompson was genuinely interested in our bike trip, and several of us were fielding questions about where we were riding and why. Becky also noticed her tire was flat. Her tire tube was filled with a substance that was intended to prevent, or at least mitigate the effects of a puncture. Unfortunately this one did not work as intended and there was a large amount of neon green goo all over her bike tire, wheel, inner tube, the parking lot, and a little on her. I mention this because it was funny, but also because it is probably my fault since I provided her with that particular tube. Sorry Becky.
After chatting with us for a while, Captain Thompson really reached out to us. He offered us the chance to take some pictures in front of the nearby fire station. However almost as he said this a fire truck zoomed past us with lights and sirens blaring. Without missing a beat, he offered us some ice from one of the other nearby fire stations for our coolers. As our two riders nursed their bike tire wounds, Captain Thompson continued to chat with us about how cool he thought this ride was, and even went so far as to encourage his college aged son to participate in it next year. He said if he could get into bicycle shape himself, he would even consider riding for a few days. Captain Thompson was so energetic, and so genuine that I think everyone who spoke to him smiled during their conversations with him. As he drove off, he flagged down Emily once more to give her a fire department t-shirt to thank her for the information. Basically, of the half dozen or so people I met today Captain Thompson Stood out and we would like to thank him, and the LaGrange Fire Department for the generous offer of ice for our cooler. When its in the mid 90’s and you still have 40miles to bike, ice is one of the best things ever.

Thad whipped out his sweet cooking skills for the group!
Also, since its my day to blog and I can say anything I want, here are some random stats that I think are worth sharing:
I drank 210 ounces of water around 50 ounces of sports drink and didn’t have to use the bathroom once in over 8 hours.
Becky and I are racing for the most flat tires. She has had at least three and I have gone through three tubes and one tire, so I feel like I am winning.
Before today the furthest I ever biked in one week was 75 miles. Its only Tuesday and I have already biked 120, and 80 of those were today.
Finally, I would like to thank the people who hosted us and took care of us in McDnough. Wesley Way United Methodist church was a wonderful place to call home for 2 nights. Pastor Greg was a wonderful host. Lisa took great care of us, and fed us some phenomenal meals. As a native Atlantan, I am glad our northern riders got o experience grits. Cheese grits at that. Shane was one of our home repair gurus yesterday and even showed up at the church to se us off this morning. Thanks Shane. Miss Jackie was another kind soul from the Atlanta area who took us under her wing. Although the laser show occurred on a day other than mine to blog, her efforts to take care of us touched me and I would like to thank her too. Also, the showers at Ola High School in McDoough were very much appreciated.
written by: Bill Perdue
photos by: Esther Hyejin Chung
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